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Joseph Ray


Joseph is a champion of unlimited possibilities. Building on his past experiences—both the setbacks and successes—Joseph is committed to supporting others to realize and embrace resources in every area of their lives:  mentally, emotionally and physically in the personal and professional realm.  This is the impetus that sparked becoming a Perspective Shifter.

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The Story

Most notable, however, is Joseph’s personal story of empowerment and transformation. As a toddler, he was seriously injured, suffering the first of 8 major concussions, and near death after severing and partially suffocating on his own tongue. As a young child, with multiple medically diagnosed learning disabilities: ‘dyslexia, slow comprehension, below average abilities in basic reading, comprehension, arithmetic and academic fluency’ he failed many academic tests. Biweekly visits to the hospital for treatment, consumed his life, living in constant hidden anxiety and fear of speaking to others, food addiction, shyness, self-doubt, feelings of inadequacy and life sabotaging insecurities. As a result, he was engulfed with feelings of depression, severe anxiety, and isolation from friends and family.


At the age of 20, Joseph experienced further trauma from a life debilitating disease leaving him in bed for 2 months, losing 60 lbs, nerve damage causing partial muscle atrophy in his neck, back, throat, chest and arm.  The illnesses, combined with four traumatic near-death experiences, became the sparks that ignited the calling of his life for unique physical, mental and emotional healing.  His personal journey fueled his dormant empathic gifts along with the passion to learn the connected Network of the Neuromuscular Body; leading to interacting and working with over 29,000 clients, speaking on stages, podcasts, writing and teaching individuals principles and tools to build tangible growth instead of short-lived motivation. After two decades “I learned that a person’s passion to make an impact in the world are deeply and intricately connected to their life story...and their Message to the World.”


Joseph’s background of education, entrepreneurship, setbacks, successes and empowerment create unique synergistic strengths, serving as a catalyst of impact and tangible transformative change in people's lives.   Graduating from Cal State Fullerton with a bachelor’s in Public Relations and Minor in Speech Communications, Joseph has traveled through 22 countries in North America, Europe, Africa, and South America.  Joseph’s zeal for different cultures and his experience with disparate people groupshave shaped his perspective on interpersonal dynamics, risk taking, perspective positioning, ‘REAL conversations, awareness, and the power of Pattern Tracking Recognition. 

Joseph says: “My whole life for some reason I always asked myself thousands of

questions of ‘I wonder how that other person sees things.’  Little did I realize later that

these simple internal curious questions would turn into helping so many others.”  


“I have always believed that challenges, along with successes, when giving time to reflect on, reveal intricate combinations that spark confidence, passion, purpose, hope and impact.” Joseph states.  

Joseph is driven and fueled by standing alongside people who want more for their lives whether they fully believe or know exactly How to or not.   His mission is to encourage, equip, and educate people how to bring about REAL change which can be applied to both professional and personal lifestyles by living a life with purpose clarity.


He lives by his personal humbling mantra: Did I Dream? Did I Dare? Did I Really Live? 


“My hope is for people to see the power that occurs when a person places a few more moments on their Dreams and dares just a little bit more... the universe will answer back….no matter where you come from.…it's Never too late to make an Impact"

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